srijeda, 15. travnja 2020.



In the European Union, no prime minister has slapped capitalists like this: Stop whining and asking for money for workers, sell your rabid cars first

April 15, 2020 - 7:25 pm

Thomas Kienzle / AFP
It is not only Croatian employers who tend to use state aid measures to preserve wages and jobs in the epidemic for their own needs and to reduce workers' income and entitlements.
Similar examples have already been noted in practice by Bulgaria, but followed by a swift response from the Prime Minister, who is nowhere near socialist, but the leader of the ruling center-right party.
Bulgarian Prime Minister Bojko Borisov , known for his timely proposal to the European People's Party for Andrei Plenkovic to become head of the European Commission, suggested that Bulgarian businessmen who piled on government money for alleged job-saving should first sell their expensive limousines and only then be sold help establishments.
 - According to police statistics, three "Bugatti" ridden by football star Ronaldo are currently registered in "miserable" and "poor" Bulgaria. There is also a 241 Bentley car, 123 Ferrari, 54 Maybach, 22 McLaren, 87 Lamborghini, 311 Maseratti. Also registered are 84 Rolls-Royce's, 280 Hummers, about 4,000 Jaguars and more than five thousand Porsches. Instead of laying off workers and reducing their wages, the owners of these limousines can at least give up part of their expensive fleet in the wake of the epidemic, Bulgaria's prime minister told capitalists in his country.
Borisov added that glamorous cars are only a small part of their accumulated wealth.
Preko 50 milijuna, što možda znaći i tri puta više, gladnih ljudskih bića, bez struje i vode, vegetiraju naporedo jednog jedinog virusnog krsnika ove Planete, koji ih u samo  jednom danu operuši za više od šest milijardi dollara  

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