subota, 19. rujna 2020.


POLITICAL SECRETARY OF THE SOE 'The only trade that the HDZ rules is the trade in influence, and the only chain is the chain of corruption' 'Clearly, there cannot be another large interest group behind the HDZ, because there are no larger interest groups than them in Croatia. Writes: Jutarnji.hrPosted: September 19, 2020 3:19 pm Homeland Movement political secretary Mario Radic commented on the statement of HDZ Secretary General Krunoslav Katicic, who said that "HDZ is not an interest group that, unlike some others, does not have any large interest groups behind it, especially some retail chains." On the Facebook page of the Homeland Movement, Radić's comment was published stating: - Listening to the statement of the HDZ Secretary General, I agree with the part in which Krunoslav Katičić claims that the HDZ does not have any large interest groups behind it. It is completely clear that there cannot be another large interest group behind the HDZ, because there are no larger interest groups in Croatia than them. Furthermore, I notice that Krunoslav Katičić knows nothing about market business. According to him, there should be only trade interests controlled by the state. We are witnessing that the only trade in which the HDZ is well-governed is the trade in influence listed in numerous indictments against HDZ officials, and the only chain that is growing is the chain of corruption that is suffocating Croatia. While retail chains are struggling in the market, HDZ's corrupt chains are eating away at our country without end. RELATED NEWS Mario Radić ABOUT THE JANAF AFFAIR Homeland Movement Political Secretary: 'When young people watch such things, I think that's why they go out' IRREGULARITIES Election Commission seeks bills: Skorina's money spent on advertising in cafes and pizzerias Therefore, instead of cheap sermons, it is better for them to cover their ears, to sort out problems in their own ranks, to break the chain of corruption and trade in influence in the HDZ. But even if that happened, the essence of the existence of this HDZ would be lost, and the question is how many interested people would remain after the break in that chain. I would like to remind you that only at this moment, about fifty members of the HDZ are under investigation, both from the Rimac affair, the Janaf affair and others. At the same time, let's not forget that the HDZ is a party against which a lawsuit has been filed for ten years, in order to obtain undue property gain in the Fimi media affair. That is exactly why the HDZ is today a synonym for corruption in Croatia, and the fact that the replacement for the arrested MP Barišić lied about doing business with the company Elektrocentar Petek on the first day after the oath shows how deeply compromised the HDZ cadres are. In conclusion, according to Mr. Katičić, a successful entrepreneur who does not work with state-owned companies should not be involved in politics. I call on him to make public the list of people and professions that are not allowed to engage in politics, following the example of a similar regulation in the People's Republic of China, so that we can fully reveal what kind of political system we actually live in, 'said Radic. Radić, by the way, was the president of the Supervisory Board of the Pevex retail chain, but he resigned before the parliamentary elections in which he was the candidate of the Homeland Movement. He cited as a reason 'the elimination of the possibility of creating any prejudices and the prevention of political manipulation of dissidents who, for various reasons, are trying to harm Pevex's business'.

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